About librewrite.com

The logo of librewrite: a black and white grungy looking LLibrewrite (pronounced like an Australian saying liberate) is an offline web app that can be used to improve your writing skills and provoke your creativity. Among the most widespread yet criminally underutilized skills we have as humans is the ability to write creatively. Much like any other learned skill of course, it must be consistently practiced and have genuine effort put towards it to truly gain mastery.

This web app is designed to ease that practice. You can use prompts as inspiration or write totally lawlessly. You can configure everything you want to a tee or never change a single setting. Ultimately, the goal with this site is to make practicing writing accesible and personalized so that it doesn't feel like a chore but instead what it should be: fun.

Free writing: what is it?

Many features on this site are based on the concept of free writing, a type of writing practice where the only real rule is to try to write for some specified amount of time. Sometimes an instructor will provide prompts as a guideline, but there should be no concern for rhetoric or form: just write whatever comes to your head!

About the creator

Hi. My name is Sam, and I made this website. I'm currently a senior studying Computer Science at Florida State University with a passion for literature and writing. This site was inspired by a free writing session in my Introduction to Literature class as well as the unfortunate lack of decent writing practice websites. I hope you find this website as useful and fun as I do.

If you have feedback or want to ask any questions, you can contact me by email at andersonhenderson45@gmail.com or, if you want to see my other projects, you can check out my GitHub.